

Too much going on. Too many things to think about. All the whirring and buzzing of the world. My day. My week. My daughter’s schedule. Pick up. Drop Off. Get the laundry done. Do the reading. Go to class. Do my work. Go to the dentist. Drive somewhere. Can you pick them up today? What about the guinea pig? I think she has a cold. Does she need to go to the vet? Are there clean clothes? We need groceries. I need to eat. What should I eat? Do I have time to cook that? About that laundry... What about the mail? Pay the bills. Go to the bank. Buy some hay. Go to the drug store. You forgot shampoo. Is there laundry in the dryer? No I forgot it in the washer. Bring the groceries in. Walk with a friend. Rewash the mildewed laundry. Make sure you wash it in hot! Will there be time to paint today? Read the textbook. Go to my writer’s group. What about that laundry? Did I remember to put it in the dryer? Clean the garage. Organize the photos. Maybe that one can wait. Go to the Girl Scout meeting. Talk to the neighbor about the fence. Eat some dinner. Try to slow down enough to get some sleep...Wait I forgot the laundry...